Changes in our Products & Fees

On September 12th 2021, The Bank of Nevis Limited successfully completed the conversion of its core banking systems. An extensive review of our products and services offered is ongoing in an effort to ensure we have a suite of products, services and fees that meet the need of you our valued customers.

On conversion date the following enhanced product changes were implemented.


Sixty Plus AccountsBON Gold Club
Leo Young SaversYouth Savers
Business Current AccountCorporate Chequing Account
RCS/VIP ChequingVIP Banking
Day-to-day Banking SavingsSavings Plus
Day-to-day Banking ChequingBON Chequing

We now turn our attention to the fee changes and by this communication advise of the fee changes that will take effect on January 1st 2022.


The fee structure will be enhanced to match the product and services offer. A comprehensive schedule of fees, product changes, benefits and features will be published on our website by the 1stth December, 2021. Additionally, notices will be published at each branch.

THANKS TO YOU our valued customers, for your continued business and patience as we work towards sustained improvement to serve you better.